Thursday, December 2, 2021

This Psalm I Sing

by Chuck Ness

I got angry, and I stepped out in the flesh in my response to something that I perceived as a wrong. However, it is not my place to correct the World, for the World is lost, and so who am I to fix that which I cannot. All I can do is share the truth, while remembering to do so in love, or else I will be a poor ambassador for Christ Jesus.

I understand it's OK to get angry at those who act as the Pharisees did, because Jesus got angry with them. For they walked around in a way to be seen for their good deeds, while in truth their hearts were only Word for their own worldly profit. Those men who claim to teach the Word of GOD, but are just wolves who deceive with their words of silk and songs of love, deserve our wrath but those in the World do not.

Yet I went beyond my calling. I stepped out in my flesh and chastised one who was lost to the Lord, and in so doing I put a stumbling bock that could keep them from coming to the LORD. We are called to give an invitation to those lost in the World. An invitation to come to the LORD so they can be healed, not to chase them away as the Pharisees did.

This Psalm I Sing To Jesus Christ, Our King

Forgive me LORD, and wash away my guilt so I can again enter into YOUR presence with a pure and forgiven heart.

We are but the dirt YOU formed from Adam's seed, yet when YOU came down to us through Eve's seed, we found forgiveness through Your Cross for our evil deeds.

We have been reborn as new creatures, and now we walk down the path towards Your Celestial City, and when we arrive O'Lord we shall receive a crown of righteousness, which we will gladly toss at YOUR feet, and live eternally in YOUR presence.

Our Lord, our God, upon Your Name we stake our claim, for upon the Cross You took our blame, now all we have is Yours O'Lord, because all You had you gave to save our wretched souls.

O'LORD, our GOD, our Savior, our King, to YOU this Psalm I sing.


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